Lawton Bros., Inc. Floor Care

Floor Care

Are you frustrated with your floors?

Are you spending a lot of time and money on your floor care program with less than satisfactory results?

Or do you simply desire to reduce the cost of your floor care maintenance?

If so, Lawton Brothers can help. Our approach to floor care simplifies product selection and training by focusing on the cleaning procedures, cleaning frequency, and equipment utilized in your current operation.

In order to get consistent performance and maximize the efforts of your staff you must first select the right finish for your needs. The first step in selecting a floor finish for your facility is to determine the resources you have available to maintain your floors. Resources such as budget, personnel, and equipment.

Almost all facilities fall into one of three categories:

Low Maintenance Program

  • Facilities with a restrictive maintenance budget. A lack of equipment and personnel leaves little time to do anything to the floors other than dust mop, spot mop and damp mop.
  • Burnishers and automatic scrubbers are not normally used in these facilities.
  • Little to no gloss restoration (spray buffing or burnishing) is performed.

High Appearance Program

  • Facilities that desire a high level of appearance
  • Some automation exist, including a burnisher and possibly an automatic scrubber
  • There is sufficient cleaning staff available to burnish the floors at least twice per month.

Ultimate Appearance Program

  • Facilities that require the ultimate appearance level. An ongoing "wet look" gloss is desired.
  • Automation exist, including autoscrubbers and burnishers
  • There is sufficient budget and cleaning staff to autoscrub and burnish daily

Contact Lawton Brothers and schedule an audit of your floor care program.

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