How Warehouse Cleaning Can Promote Safety and Productivity

by Lawton Brothers | Dec 27, 2021

Cleanliness makes an impact in any facility you operate in, but it can be specifically impactful in a warehouse environment. A messy or unkept warehouse can result in downtime during warehouse operations as well as accidents, which not only affect the company’s bottom line, but also affect those entering the facility. A clean and organized warehouse encourages team productivity, eliminates waste, lowers maintenance costs, and leads to more efficient inventory management. 

Increased Productivity

When a company’s leadership dedicates time and resources to keeping a clean and safe warehouse, it sets a tone and sends a positive message to employees. It creates a sense of pride and gives the motivation to perform to the same level of cleanliness and effectiveness. Research in the International Journal of Science and Research and on have shown a relationship between physical work environments and employee productivity. A clutter-free space reduces stress and eliminates waste, allowing employees to work more efficiently. 

Prevents Health and Safety Issues

Organization and routine cleaning can prevent overprocessing and overproduction as well as messes or other safety hazards. While it is a federal law to maintain certain health and safety standards, it can be easy to avoid cleaning areas that go unused for long periods of time with the thought that it hasn’t been used and therefore isn’t very dirty. However, regular cleaning is critical to prevent accidents due to objects obstructing the walkway, falling objects, and slippery surfaces. 

Lowers Maintenance Costs

Warehouse operations rely on equipment that needs to remain clear of dust and debris for optimal performance. Ensuring aisles are clear can ensure equipment does not hit or scrape unnecessary objects. Additionally, cleaning regularly can prevent the buildup of dust that can slow down or clog these machines. Ultimately, keeping a clean environment can promote the longevity of equipment, saving money on maintenance costs in the long run. 

Increased Accuracy

Having an organized warehouse space enables better control of warehouse processes, such as checking the shelf-life of products or counting the accurate number of materials in storage. When it is easier for employees to find the supplies or equipment they need, it drastically reduces downtime and miscalculations. 

Here to Serve You

Now that you know how important it is to maintain a clean and organized warehouse, let us help you with how to do it! With an array of janitorial products and equipment for rent, Lawton Brothers has everything you need to keep your facility clean. Aren’t sure of the best routine or how often you should be performing maintenance? Just give us a call at 800.432.0813 today and one of our professionally trained service members will be happy to assist.

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